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Sunday, July 4, 2010

the secret of Phaleria (Phaleria macrocarpa)

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the secret of Phaleria (Phaleria macrocarpa) Phaleria Phaleria macrocarpa Mahkota Dewa
By Yeni Kurniawi

Phaleria, Phaleria macrocarpa, Mahkota Dewa (ndonesia) are known potent to treat various types of diseases. Plants derived from Java was also a significant potential to be developed in North Sumatra. Because of the potential that Nuraini was one who believed, with agroclimate Phaleria Sumut have better efficacy when compared with fruit that originated from Yogyakarta. "The fruit that comes from meat Yogya hollow of North Sumatra, while if a more solid," said Nuraini.
the secret of Phaleria (Phaleria macrocarpa) Phaleria Phaleria macrocarpa Mahkota Dewathe secret of Phaleria (Phaleria macrocarpa) Phaleria Phaleria macrocarpa Mahkota Dewa

He wrestle Phaleria cultivation since four years ago. Background of the various illnesses suffered by her husband. Because of the high cost of treatment, he was finally able to find perobatan effective alternative. Together with her husband, she also made various efforts, including taking Phaleria. But the result is very effective, her husband's blood sugar levels can decrease dramatically.
the secret of Phaleria (Phaleria macrocarpa) Phaleria Phaleria macrocarpa Mahkota Dewathe secret of Phaleria (Phaleria macrocarpa) Phaleria Phaleria macrocarpa Mahkota Dewa

In addition to seeing it as a business opportunity, Nuraini also wants to help prisoners who are unable to perform because of the high cost of treatment. For that he was trying to develop a crop this deity crown by using a sufficiently large backyard, 1000 m2 building area reduced by 135 m2.

To obtain seeds of this deity crown he specifically ordered fresh fruit from Yogyakarta. After one year it has begun production of this fruit. Gradually he began to add more plants up to now there are at least 120 plants around the yard of his house.

By citing the fruit makes it easy, she always cut to the height of not more than 1.5 meters. Production throughout the year. Every month, at least he could collect 40 kg or 8 kg of fresh fruit as dried fruit.

Easily cultivated
According to junior high school English teacher first, the crown of the god of cultivation is relatively easy. That have been sowing seeds and planting is placed in the hole by the media as much as 2 kg of manure. He was intentionally only use manure. Moreover, not far from his home in The Village Rejo Sari Polonia Medan District there are dairy farms that make it easier to get the droppings.

In doing maintenance, Nuraini admitted to not having a significant constraint. Plants grow well without special treatment. "Most only watering during the dry season. When he was entering a year, this plant was already started production, "he explained.

The only pest is ants. "But my direct control of these ants with insecticide," he said.

Nuraini explained, when the fruit began to parents with light red color, the fruit is collected to be processed. The fruit is thinly sliced, dried in the sun to dry. When the weather is hot, this drying can take up to three days. After it turned brown, then the fruit is packed in a plastic bag half-ounce capacity and is sold at Rp 10,000.

This herb is believed to be able to treat various types of diseases, including lowering blood sugar levels. "How to eat them quite easily, which has Phaleria dry brewed with hot water, a new drink," said Nuraini.

The crown of the god is useful for treating cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hipetensi, even weak Lust

Besides the crown of the god, he is also seeking to develop mulberry plantations. Once dried, the mulberry leaf is believed to be able to treat various diseases such as migraine (migrants), teeth, lower blood glucose, aching bones, lower cholesterol levels and various kinds of other diseases.


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