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Friday, June 11, 2010

The Secret Properties of Papaya

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The Secret Properties of Papaya

Papaya is not the only fruit that could be exploited from almost all parts of the papaya can be utilized. Starting from the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit, bark, sap even have useful properties for the body.

According to VN Villegas in his writings contained Vegetable Resources of Southeast Asia 2: Fruits edible, about 60 percent of the fruit is ripe papaya can be eaten. Every 100 grams of papaya on average contain 86.6 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 12.1 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 0.5 g ash, 34 mg calcium, 11 mg phosphorus, 1 mg iron, 3 mg of potassium, 450 mg of vitamin A, vitamin C 74 mg, 0.03 mg thiamine, 0.5 mg niasina, and 0.04 mg of riboflavin. Energy value of 200 grams and sugar content kJ/100 primarily sucrose (48.3 percent), glucose (29.8 percent), and fructose (21.9 percent).
The Secret Properties of PapayaThe Secret Properties of Papaya

Aside from being a fruit that can be obtained throughout the year, papayas are also used for salad  materials, beverages, jelly, jam, cakes, and frozen fruit. In Java, a lot of interest also be candied papaya, and leaves her young for side dishes or herbal medicine. Karpaina, a kind of alkaloid contained in papaya can be used to reduce heart problems, anti-amoebic drug, and drug uriner.

Did you know that papaya fruit also had a very good therapeutic effect? particularly for women such as beauty therapy body slimming, toning and younger breast

Body Slimming

Papaya fruit have a thin body properties. With diligent in taking papaya enzyme can generate double the ripe papaya. Well, this enzyme acts as a decomposition of fat in our body. The enzyme is also better to break down proteins and eliminate the excess flesh.

Breast tightening

Papaya in trust by our ancestors long ago as the fruit that can be tightened breasts. Enzymes in papaya can help breast growth so much faster and chewy. Papaya is also enriched with vitamin A hormone fasteners and female hormones that stimulate spending and stimulate the ovaries release the female hormone. Mammary glands of these hormones will be smoother and more ideal breast shape.


Levels of vitamin C in papaya is 48 times as many apples!!. Papaya is also active as a detoxification so that it can refresh the skin from the inside. Papaya can also encourage the process of skin metabolism. Papaya is also good melt the layers of skin aging and substance arising dipori horn-pores so the skin firmer and brighter. So, from now on diligent, industrious just wear a mask or facial papaya papaya fruit.
The Secret Properties of PapayaThe Secret Properties of Papaya

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