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Monday, August 23, 2010

Usefulness Cucumber for beauty

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Usefulness Cucumber for beauty cucumbur mentimun kecantikan beauty
If so far we know only as a complement to cucumbers fresh vegetables in the menu, now there is another benefit of cucumber that you need to know, cucumbers have been worth more to care for beauty. Here are some beauty tips that can be obtained from cucumber.
Usefulness Cucumber for beauty cucumbur mentimun kecantikan beautyUsefulness Cucumber for beauty cucumbur mentimun kecantikan beauty

Cucumber Astringent

One easy way to reduce oil on oily skin glow:
Cut 1 / 2 cucumber, peeled and input in a blender and blend until smooth. Apply on face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat lightly to dry face.

Usefulness Cucumber for beauty cucumbur mentimun kecantikan beautyUsefulness Cucumber for beauty cucumbur mentimun kecantikan beauty

Masks cucumber - Avocado

This formula works for everything: maintenance, shrink pores, and helps raise Matu skin cells and make skin fresher.

Blend all ingredients until smooth:
1 / 2 cup grated cucumber
1 / 2 cup avocado
1 egg white
2 teaspoons powdered milk.

Cool it for 30 minutes, then dab on the face and neck. Let stand for 30 minutes, then wash with warm water. Splash of cold water and then afterwards pat dry.

Skin Cleansing Mask

If you usually have trouble with stains on the face, this mask will help you prevent it.

Blend until smooth materials:

1 / 2 cucumber, peeled
1 tablespoon nonfat milk
1 tablespoon yogurt

Apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes, then flush with water.

For Skin Care Shines

If your skin is dull and oily, this recipe will help to make the skin look more radiant and glowing.

1 teaspoon butter cucumber
Add a little rose water

Apply on face and leave on for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Relieves swollen eyes
Lack of sleep usually makes your eyes so swollen, but nothing to worry about cucumber can help address this issue.

Cut two slices of cucumber, lie down and place a snippet on each of your eyes. Let stand for 15 minutes, then remove from heat.

Reduce Dark Circles Under Eyes eyelids

1. Apply cucumber jelly, may own or mixed with carrot juice on the dark circles under the eyes. Let stand for 20 minutes, flush.

2. Combine the cucumber jelly with milk and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Apply at the bottom of the eye and let stand for 20 minutes, flush.

Cucumber perishable, so be sure to use every beauty recipes mentioned above immediately after creating it.

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