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Saturday, November 6, 2010

the efficacy of Dates

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the efficacy of Dates
Many benefits can be obtained from the palm tree is the tree of life as much as the day of the year.

Privileges and efficacy of dates:

   1. Natural sugar. Dates are the fruit contains natural sugar most among all types of fruit. The concentration of sugar in dates up to 70% by weight of the fruit, while in other fruits sugar levels only about 20% -30%. Palm sugar contained in the form of fructose, glucose, sucrose, capable of supplying energy to the body quickly. That's why the dates suitable for use as a meal to break their fast. As the dates as high carbohydrate foods can provide energy for the body. Itupula why the dates are convenient for the journey in the desert or mountain climbers.
   2. Potassium. The content of potassium in dates among the richest fruits. Even more than that found in bananas. Potassium is a vital mineral that the body needs for muscle contraction, including heart muscle. Potassium is also required to maintain the health of the nervous system and helps the body's metabolism. Maintaining the availability of potassium is important for active individuals. Because of rapid potassium out of the body with sweat. Dates and water consumption is a powerful way to maintain the availability of potassium in the body. Dates are very well taken by people with patigue and constipation.
   3. Savor the other dates as dietary fiber. Among all kinds of fruits, palm-fiber diet is the most wealthy. Many high-fiber foods lower the risk of various cancers. U.S. National Cancer Institute recommends 20-35 grams of dietary fiber intake per day. Consume 5 or 6 grains of dates will meet those needs. There are 2 types of fiber are soluble fiber and insoluble fiber both in the dates. Insoluble fiber helps facilitate digestion. While the role of soluble fiber in lowering sugar levels in diabetes. Soluble fiber is also capable of lowering blood cholesterol levels, especially LDL harmful.

Similarly, the efficacy of palm-tree of life at a glance and many other dates efficacy, which can not be mentioned one by one, because so many properties of dates.

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1 comment:

  1. Good job on this article! I really like how you presented your facts and how you made it interesting and easy to understand. Thank you.
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