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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Secret Benefit of Kencur (Kaempferia galanga)

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Secret Benefit of Kencur (Kaempferia galanga)
Kencur (Kaempferia galanga), including interest Zingiberaceae plants and plant species were classified as having empon-empon fruit flesh most tender and not fibrous. Kencur a small herb that grows abundantly in the lowlands or mountains where the land is loose and not too much water. Kencur rhizome has a specific aroma. Kencur fruit flesh is white and brown outer skin. The number of strands of leaf kencur no more than 2-3 pages dealing with the composition.

The flowers are arranged and a half sitting with a crown of flowers amounted to between 4 to 12 pieces, lip berwara violet flowers with white color is more dominant. Kencur grow and develop in a particular season, ie in the rainy season. Kencur can be grown in pots or in gardens that enough sunlight, not too wet and in the open.

Local Name:
Kencur (Indonesia, Java), Cikur (Sunda), Ceuko (Aceh); Kencor (Madura), Cekuh (Bali), Kencur, Sukung (Minahasa); Asauli, sauleh, soul, umpa (Ambon), Cekir (Sumba).

Chemical Ingredients:

Kencur rhizomes contain starch (4.14%), minerals (13.73%), and essential oils (0.02%) of cineol, methyl acid and penta kanil independence, cinnamic acid, ethyl aster, sinamic acid, borneol, kamphene , paraeumarin, anisic acid, alkaloids, and gums.

To Use Drugs:

1. Stomach Inflammation

* Materials: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb.
* Method: kencur peeled and chewed thoroughly;
* How to use: the water is swallowed, the waste is disposed of, then drink 1 glass of water, and repeated until healed.

2. Child Sore Ears

* Materials: 2 rhizome kencur of your thumb and ½ nutmeg seed.
* How to make: both ingredients are finely ground and 2 tablespoons warm water;
* How to use: applied / dibobokkan around the nose.

3. Influenza in infants

* Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of your thumb and 2 pieces of leaf cubeb (pepper caudate / Cubeb)
* How to make: both ingredients finely ground, then added a few tablespoons of warm water.
* How to use: applied / dibobokkan around the nose.

4. Catch a cold

* Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of your thumb and salt to taste.
* Method: kencur hulled clean.
* How to use: kencur eaten with salt to taste, then drink 1 glass of water. Can be done 2 times a day.

5. Headache

* Materials: 2-3 kencur leaves.
* Method: kencur leaves until finely ground.
* How to use: applied (as compress / pilis) on the forehead.

6. Cough
a. Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of your thumb and salt to taste.

* Method: kencur grated, then add 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered.
* How to use: drink with added salt to taste.

b. Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of your thumb.

* Method: kencur peeled and chewed thoroughly;
* How to use: the water is swallowed, the waste is disposed. Performed routinely every morning.

7. Diarrhea
a. Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of your thumb and salt to taste.

* Method: kencur grated, then add 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered.
* How to use: diolsekan in the stomach as a powder.

b. Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of your thumb and salt to taste.

* Method: kencur grated, then add salt to taste.
* How to use: as a powder applied to the abdomen.

8. Eliminate Dirty Blood

* Materials: 4 rhizome kencur of thumb, 2 trengguli leaves, 2 cloves of dry seeds, fennel pulawaras taste.
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled together with 1 liter of water to boiling and then filtered.
* How to use: drink 2 times a day regularly.

9. Streamlining menstruation

* Materials: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb, 1 sheet trengguli leaf, 1 clove old fruit seeds, fennel pulawaras taste.
* Method: kencur chopped, then mixed with other ingredients and boil together with 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered.
* How to use: drink once a day 2 cups.

10. Eye Pegal

* Material: 1 piece of rhizome
* Method: kencur split into 2 parts.
* How to use: the surface is still wet is used to rub the eyelid.

11. Sprain

* Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur and rice that have been soaked in water.
* How to make: the two materials are crushed and water.
* How to use: applied / digosokan on the sprain as a powder.

12. Eliminates Tired.

* Ingredients: 1 large rhizome kencur, 2 tablespoons rice fried without oil (couple) and 1 red chili pepper seeds.
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled together with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered.
* How to use: drink one time and repeated until healed. For those men can be added with 1 piece of galangal and pepper powder to taste.

13. Eliminates Tired.

* Ingredients: 1 large rhizome kencur, 1 tablespoon of wet rice flour, 1 slice of coconut sugar / palm.
* How to make: all ingredients are brewed with 1 cup hot water and filtered.
* How to use: drink and be repeated on a regular basis 3 days.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Secret Beefit of Mahkota Dewa

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About MAHKOTA DEWA (Crown God)
The Secret Beefit of Mahkota Dewa·

Crown god is one of Indonesia's native plants recently popular as a crop which empirically can treat various diseases.

Some of the benefits crown god based on various scientific journals are:
· Testing anticancer aktiftas gods crown of the plant extract was done by testing the inhibition of growth of L210 leukemia cells by plant extracts in in vitro.Hasil testing showed that the plant extract has a value of 50% growth inhibition of leukemia cells after 48 hours incubation. Limit at least one plant extract to be declared as an anticancer potential is 10 ug / ml (Lisdawati, 2002).

· Testing antioxidant activity of plant extracts showed Mahkota Dewa fruit flesh and skin of seed plants have considerable potential antioxidant activity. (Yen, 1995).

Test the effect of an antihistamine / anti-allergic, it turns out that the respective levels of foreign leaf extract / fruit crown gods have antihistamine effects. (Sumastuti, 2001).

· Securities sitosik crown of leaves and fruit of the gods against Helah cells (cervical cancer cells) by In Vitro.Efek hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) fruit leaf crown dewa.Efek hepatoprotector (liver). Anti-inflammatory effects (anti-inflammatory) from the leaves and fruit of anti-bacterial dewa.Efek crown on Staohylococcus sp and Streptococcus sp.

· Addition, the ongoing research on the effects of the crown of the god of health, the effect of anti piretik (reduce heat), the effects of analgesics (relieve pain), the effect of lowering uric acid levels in the blood, cardiovascular (effects on the heart, hipertensia, diuretic), antiobesitas materials, anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti-seizure effects, sedative effects, antioxidant.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Great Benefit of Black Seed (Habatus Sauda)

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Sure you have heard the properties of black cumin or often called Sauda habatus this. It is said that black cumin can cure diseases such as heavy heart, diabetes, cancer, etc.. In fact he said that only death can not be cured. Want to know more about the properties of black cumin see the following article:

So Black caraway Treatment Trends

Methods of treatment are now beginning to shift to alternative non-medical. One of them through black cumin to treat ailments ranging from colds to cancer or HIV-AIDS. Up comes the phrase, only one that can not be cured black cumin, which is death.

Some people with various illnesses feel this panacea. As with chronic ulcer disease, gout, migraine, and so forth. "I suffer from diabetes mellitus is four years, but after taking black cumin for two months already feels more comfortable," said Ibah, one pengkomsunsi cumin, in a recent testimony.

Black cumin is popular with the name of the alias bean Habbatus sauda habbatul pleasant or baraka, which means seed that brings blessing is believed to cure various diseases, except death.

Black cumin is used as medicine since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Black cumin is not only able to treat toothache, headache, nasal congestion and cope with intestinal parasites like worms, also efficacious for beauty.

In a literature Hermann Dr. Ehmann said, since before BC (BC) or the time of ancient Egypt, cumin is used as a spice in cooking and traditional medicine materials. Even in the study period in the modern era until the 1990s black cumin is used as a food supplement in some western countries.

A lot of literature that mention various properties of black cumin. Among them;
1. Strengthens the immune system because it can increase the number of cells either to increase natural killer cells. So nutritious boost the immune system and can be used as bioregulator or cure for the disease that attacks the immune system such as cancer and AIDS.

2. Improve memory and concentration because it has a content of linoleic acid (omega 6) and linolenic acid (omega 3). It is a useful nutritional brain cells improve memory and intelligence.

3. Increasing hormone bioactivity. One of the sterol content of black cumin is an active role in the synthesis and bioactivity of the hormone.

4. Neutralize toxins in the body. Diseases such as diarrhea, dizziness, respiratory problems and decreased the concentration of power can be cured black cumin saponin containing the neutralizing and cleaning toxins in the body.

5. Overcome sleep disorders and stress. Saponin cumin functioning corticosteroid that affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles and nerves of the body. Saponin serves to defend themselves from environmental changes, sleep disturbances and can relieve stress.

6. Anti-histamine or anti-allergic conditions such as severe asthma. Research Chakravaty Nirmal MD in 1993 proved that the crystals of nigellone supressive effect. As a result, 70% who suffer from allergies to pollen, acne and asthma recovered after being given a black cumin.

7. Improve the digestive tract, Jintan black containing volatile essential oil and beneficial to improve digestion. Traditionally as a remedy diarrhea.
8. Smooth breast milk. The combination of unsaturated fatty acids and hormonal structure of cumin to launch breast milk. The study is published in the literature on research at the University Potchestroom in 1989.

9. Additional nutrition in pregnant women and young children during growth on black cumin. The content of omega 3, 6, 9 it is the nutritional development of infants and fetal brain tissue.

10. Anti-tumor. At an international cancer congress in New Delhi, scientists introduced cumin Cancer and Immunology Laboratory, Southern California because it stimulates the bone marrow and immune cells. Compounds contained in them can destroy tumor cells and improve antibody.

11. Cumin rich in nutrients and is ideal for the elderly is mainly to protect the immune system and brain revitalitas not to go senile. Understandably cumin contains 15 kinds of amino acids including 9 essential amino acids. Essential amio acids the body can not be produced in sufficient quantities. It is only in black cumin.
So mujarabnya cumin is to treat various diseases until a phrase, all can be treated except death.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Betel Leaf Secrets

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Betel Leaf SecretsBetel Leaf secret wonders. Already familiar with this one plant. Perhaps, this plant has existed since thousands of years ago.

Betel is very rich in nutritious substances. Among other things, essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylpyrokatekol, cyneole, caryophyllene, cadinene, estragol, terpennena, seskuiterpena, phenyl propane, tannins, diastase, sugar, and starch.

For more details, Faceminang will explain the usefulness of this betel leaf:

Boil 15 pieces of betel leaf three glasses of water, allow it to remain 3/4-nya, drink with honey.

Drug bronchitis
A total of seven pieces of betel leaf and one slice of rock sugar boiled in two cups of water until the remaining one cup, drink a day 3 X 1 / 3 cup.

Eliminate body odor
Five pieces of betel leaf boiled in two cups of water up into a glass, drank during the day.

Drug burns
Leaf fresh squeezed water, plus a little honey, Dab in place burns.

Overcoming nosebleeds
Leaves rather young one sheet crushed, rolled up to clog the nose bleed.

Overcoming ulcer
Betel leaves are washed sufficiently clean, milled into smooth, smeared on boils around him, bandaged. Changed twice a day.

Overcoming itchy and red eyes
Five to six pieces of leaves boiled in one cup water to boiling. After the cold to wash the eyes by wearing glasses of water to boiling. After the cold to wash the eyes with eye wash wear glasses. Three times a day until healed.

Treat sore and itchy
A total of 20 pieces of boiled, warm when used for washing.

Stop bleeding gums
Four pieces of leaves boiled in two cups of water, used to rinse.

Drug sprue
Fresh betel leaves as much as one to two sheets cleaned up, chewed until creamed, the waste is disposed.

To eliminate bad breath
Jiah, gini days of bad breath? wkwkwkwk. As many as two to four sheets of crumpled leaves, and brewed, used to rinse.

Acne Medication
Seven to 10 pieces of betel leaf until finely ground, then brewed with two glasses of hot water. The water used to wash face with acne. A day made two to three times.

Drug whitish
A total of 10 pieces of leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water, warm burrow used for washing the pubic.

To reduce the excessive production of breast milk
Several pieces of betel leaf smeared with coconut oil, warmed over a fire to be wilted, warm paste around the swollen breast.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nutmeg Fruit Secrets

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Nutmeg Fruit Secrets
Indonesia has a variety of crops that the target of the invaders. One of them, nutmeg. Nutmeg originated in Indonesia, the famous island of Banda Naira. Banda Naira, the islands in eastern Indonesia is a producer of nutmeg in the world. On the island that had become a place of exile of two national leaders, Bung Hatta and Sjahrir, can be said to be the history of Indonesia begins (read and watch video on From Banda, Indonesia Beginning).

Nutmeg is known as a fruit that is used to add taste, keeping the meat stay good in a long time if smeared nutmeg before it is stored, to the general, nutmeg was known as a flavoring or a natural preservative. However, in reality, nutmeg save other property, both for beauty, health, and tranquilizers. What are the benefits that can be utilized human head?

Removal of acne blemishes on the face
Eliminate acne that began to grow in the following way, mix a little nutmeg that has been pounded with milk whole milk to form a paste. Apply on the face of trouble, let stand a few minutes, then wash face as usual.

Why this mix good for the skin, according to Ranella Hirsch, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine, nutmeg has anti-inflammatory effect, while the milk is rich in protein and vitamins soothe the skin.

Abdominal pain relievers
Nutmeg was known since ancient times as a natural remedy to overcome digestive disorders, diarrhea, and bloating. Essential oils and other natural chemicals that are in these fruits help smooth the digestive tract.

To help digestive problems, sprinkle a little, no more than half a teaspoon in a bowl of oatmeal breakfast every day for 2 weeks.

Help sleep
If you have a problem to bed, pour a glass of warm milk and a little nutmeg powder. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that turns into serotonin in the body, while nutmeg helps serotonin last longer, so the explanation of Michael Murray, ND, author of The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods.

Toothache relief
For those who never feel the pain of teeth, must have felt a topical medicine physician on the teeth. It was spicy like nutmeg. Yes, because the fruit of nutmeg it has long been used to relieve toothaches and inflamed gums. "Try pijatkan one or two drops of oil of nutmeg on the gums if it feels sore or inflamed," suggested Sara Snow, author Sara Snow's Fresh Living. Additionally, substances in nutmeg oil helps fight bacteria in the mouth that can cause cavities.


Friday, January 14, 2011

The Benefit of Guava Leaves

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The Benefit of Guava LeavesGuava has a taste much sweeter than guava Bangkok. The number of seeds that many fans are reluctant to make direct chew this guava fruit. Therefore guava fruit is often made with red Guava juice is believed to have properties to increase endurance for patients with dengue fever.

Special leaves of guava, studies that have been done generally usefulness as ainti diarrhea. In addition, Guava has efficacy as an anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-microbial and analgesic. Beberepa chemical compounds contained in guava, among others, polyphenols, carotene, flavonoids and tannins. With the birth of the compound was estimated guava leaf also has a strong antioxidant activity of efficacy in treating various diseases, says Susi Indariani, researcher of medicinal Study Center Institute for Research and Community Empowerment Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

Susie Indariani then doing research efficacy of guava leaves as an antioxidant. The study, he gave the title Antioxidant Activity Test Guava Leaf Extract (Psidium guajava L) aims to determine the antioxidant aktibitas guava leaf extract as well as compare the antioxidant potential of several types of local Guava Leaf in order to obtain local Guava leaf types that have the best antioxidant potential.

â € œDalam research I did several tests that test the antioxidant activity chemically with thiocyanate method, testing of chemical antioxidants ektivitas tiobarbiturik method (TBA), and analysis of physics, chemistry and microbiology selected extracts. Susie uses raw materials of local red guava leaf and guava local putil obtained by collecting from a tree that grows in the garden-courtyard house in the area Bantar Goat Bogor. The leaves are dried before the analysis first.

As a result, the test using the thiocyanate method, white guava leaf extract has a local protective factor (protection capabilities) approached the vitamin E or tocopherol is equal to 1.10. Tocopherol itself has a protective factor of 1:16. While the red guava leaf lower protective factor that is less than 1. In pegujian using TBA method, the ethanol extract of guava leaves can inhibit local white lipid oxidation to 94.19% of the control that was not given the antioxidant. This means that the leaves of guava seeds proved to have antioxidant capabilities. Susi also examine the content of local white guava leaf. Phytochemical test results showed guava leaf extract compounds contained in the extract are tannins, phenols, flavonoids, quinones, and steroids. Regarding the active compounds that have activity aktioksidan Susie said, â €? Need to research more about it.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Benefits Sambiloto

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Benefits SambilotoDuring this time many people who use the leaves of bitter herbs for the ingredients. And many who sell them ranging from MBO 'selling medicinal herbs that pole, which hung, until the manufacturer that sells herbs with modern packaging.

Sambiloto is typical of tropical plants, and can grow dipekarangan home, but now there are many people who provide land for planting this plant for later processing.

There are so many benefits from this bitter leaves, such as to treat diabetes or diabetes, typhoid, and some are saying bitter leaf can also be itching for the disease and prevent cancer, perhaps because the bitter taste characteristic of this leaf. But that has been widely used and recognized the efficacy of these leaves is to prevent malaria because the leaves are also called anti-malarial drugs.

Beside that, the leaves are also useful to maintain endurance or stamina. Maybe that's why the leaves are widely used for medicinal godokan.

For typhoid usually bitter leaf added with turmeric and ginger then boiled and drunk rebususannya water 3x a day until healed suffering from typhoid fever. As for diabetes better bitter leaf is eaten or chewed directly in the state are still fresh.

Those are some of the many benefits of bitter leaf, the usefulness of typical tropical leaf is also already started to be used abroad other than in Indonesia, such as some European countries and America, but to foreign countries, State of the most widely used for treatment of bitter leaf is India. But who or country where the patent holder bitter leaf is not known, but Indonesia has been since the first use of this leaf material for the manufacture of herbal health ingredients and original recipes of our ancestors passed on from generation to generation.

Is a prescription and herbal concoction is already on the right of patented? I do not know. But I am worried about the fate of the recipe is the same bitter leaf herbs such as turmeric plant patent is taken Japan because we pemerintajh menghakpatenkan late, when turmeric is one of the plants native to Indonesia.

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